Friday, January 14, 2011

Little Funky Monkey is now blogging

Okay so we thought it was about time we got with the play and started blogging! How exciting for us :)..

Little Funky Monkey is New Zealand's premier online baby store, encompassing hip, funky and unique products for babies, infants, toddlers and parents too! Born out of a passion for finding the best brands with innovative, contemporary and exciting gear. The place to shop for nappy bags, carry slings, bedroom accessories and furniture plus we offer a great selection of baby's toys, gifts and essentials.

So to start things off from now until the end of January (Monday 31st) we are having a massive New Year sale with UP to 50% OFF SELECTED PRODUCTS!! If you click here  it will direct you straight to the sales page..

Now the main reason we have started blogging is to keep you our lovely customers up to date with what's happening with us, what we find interesting in the recent news, things that as parents we think you might find interesting, basically to keep communication going with you rather than filling up you inbox's with emails .. We would like to keep it open for discussions where people can give their opinions on things.

Already have some things lined up, which I will be posting up over the next few weeks which could come in handy if you have littles ones or are even expecting..

Until then, keep safe and enjoy the sun !

Little Funky Monkey..

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